Turnkey service
Turnkey service for delivery and installation of gas cylinders.
Medical Air
Cylinders available for rent. E-M-K available.
Medical Oxygen
Cylinders available for rent. D-E-Q-M available
(B only for rent)
Système Equinox Cylinders available for rent. E disponibles en location.
It is a mixture of two medical gases (50% nitrous oxide and 50% oxygen).
- Reduction of pain
- Reduction of anxiety
- Increased pain tolerance threshold
- Rapid action and elimination (approximately 3 minutes)
- No fasting required
- Allows for maintaining client cooperation.
Industrial Air
Cylinders available for rent. M-K-T disponibles en location.
Carbon dioxide
Cylinders available for rent. 5L, 10L et K disponibles en location.
Nitrous Oxide
Cylinders available for rent. E-K disponibles en location.
Cylinders available for rent. K disponibles en location.